10 Overexposed Actors Who Should Take A Break Before We Get Sick Of Them

7. Anne Hathaway

anne_hathaway Anne Hathaway is considered to be the most hated actress in Hollywood, apparently, a "fact" that may come to surprise you given how you personally feel about the talented lady, but one that - to be totally honest - I can't exactly disagree with. I won't even attempt to fight against the idea that Anne Hathaway isn't annoying, because she is. She's super annoying, in fact, though - like so many movie-goers - I'm not totally sure why. The best reasoning the cinematic community seems to have come up with centres on the fact that Hathaway is like that irritating, goody goody at school who sucked up to all the teachers, and was generally nice all the time. That kind of describes why I'm not a big fan of her in " real life," to be fair, although I think she's a great actress. But given how much we saw of her last year in big movies like The Dark Knight Rises and LesMiserables, I think a little hiatus might be in order. You know, just to give us a little space. We don't want to hate you, Anne.
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