10 Overlooked Positives Of Batman Forever
2. Unsanctionable Buffoonery
Perhaps the best thing to emerge from Batman Forever is this real-life story from behind the scenes. As revealed recently on an episode of Howard Stern, Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey met, before the filming of Batman Forever and shared a few words. It turns out that Jones was less than thrilled to be sharing a movie with the comedian. Ever honest, Jones said to Carrey - to his face, no less - "I hate you. I really don't like you. I cannot sanction your buffoonery."
Ouch. To be fair, he was pretty annoying in... well, everything. Of course, the most ironic thing about this encounter is just how Tommy Lee Jones's Two-Face turned out. While Carrey is indeed as buffoonish as one might expect, Jones more than outdoes him in Batman Forever. Whether it's the outrageous wardrobe, the bright pink side of his face or simply his scenery-devouring high camp prancing, if anyone's buffoonery is hard to sanction, it's Tommy's. On the basis of his behaviour as a criminal, one dreads to think how he was as a District Attorney (a bit like Billy Dee Williams, allegedly). It's little wonder the city had to rely on a giant rodent (Doctor Meridian's words, not mine) to get its crimes solved.