10 Overlooked Positives Of Star Wars Prequel Trilogy

6. Yoda

Hayden Christensen Star Wars Prequels

Because of his size, age, quirks and reserved nature, it can be easy to forget that Yoda is still one of the most powerful Jedi to ever live, and his phenomenal portrayal in the prequels was sure to remind us of that and then some.

Seeing the Jedi master who trained Luke Skywalker going head to head with a Sith lord is something everyone, deep down, has always wanted to see. When Count Dooku laid waste to Anakin and Obi-Wan, it seemed as though the former Jedi would win the day. That was of course until his former master emerged to teach him a lesson in humility. Early in the film, Obi-Wan dropped a hint about Yoda's lightsaber skills, and his fight with Dooku more than delivered. In addition to displaying phenomenal control over the Force, Yoda fought in a way that made him look like an untouchable warrior who should only be messed with by those who have a death wish.

Yoda's incredible power was shown even more in Revenge of the Sith. While he did ultimately have to retreat, he was able to hold his own against Palpatine, who had just killed three Jedi masters in quick succession with minimal effort. The point being that Yoda is certainly no pushover, and despite his restrained nature, can have a brutal fight to the finish with the best of them if need be.


A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.