10 Overlooked Positives Of Superman Returns

5. You'll Believe A Man Can Fly (Thanks To CGI)

The visuals of Superman Returns deserve some recognition too. The film has a luscious colour palette, and some really noteworthy CGI consisting of a whopping 1,400 effects shots. In particular, the flying scenes are awesome. Arguably, they're the best that have ever been committed to a Superman movie. The fact that the flying scenes look as close to realistic as possible shouldn€™t be a big deal, but it really is. The last Superman film before this (Superman IV: The Quest For Peace) featured shoddy special effects and several instances of visible wires, and the next Superman movie afterwards (Man Of Steel) had that weird whooshing effect that took a lot of the fun out of the flying. But with Superman Returns you get that smooth, graceful flight with no visible cracks in the façade. This is what Richard Donner€™s film would have looked like if he€™d had access to modern technologies. With that in mind, witnessing this majestic flying up on the big screen in stunning HD was pure wish fulfilment for fans of Superman and the classic movies.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.