10 Overlooked Positives Of Superman Returns

6. The Music Is Awesome

Re-treading one of the greatest strengths of Superman: The Movie and Superman II, Bryan Singer ensured that his take on DC€™s big blue boy scout got a truly iconic a soundtrack to accompany his heroics. Lifting riffs from John Williams€™ old themes and remixing them with modern technology and new ideas, John Ottman produced one of the most memorable superhero scores in recent memory. Few comic book films have managed to get anywhere near Williams€™ Superman material in terms of quality, so it makes perfect sense that Superman Returns revisited these ideas. It resulted in a wonderfully scored film, which sticks long in memory. This was particularly true of the airplane rescue scene, which mixed Williams' iconic fanfare with dark new string sections, resulting in a uniquely tense blend of the old and new. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbGL6bed5yM For those whole didn€™t love the first two Christopher Reeve movies, Superman Returns' score may not have caused such a big emotional reaction as it did for me. But still, you€™ve got to admit that the music in this movie is better than what Hans Zimmer brought to Man Of Steel and the generic scores that most superhero movies get these days.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.