10 Overlooked Positives of Sylvester Stallone's Judge Dredd

6. Hammerstein!

Sans hammer (or stein, sorry German beer aficionados). Long before Marvel and their shared universe, this otherwise despised comic book adaptation threw a bone to fans with its introduction of ABC Warriors favourite Hammerstein to the fold. Hammerstein here plays the bad guy (or at least one programmed against the heroes) and isn't called Hammerstein (not having a hammer, and all) but it's unmistakably him. Stolen from dodgy city merchant Ian Dury (of Ian Dury and the Blockheads fame) by Rico, not-Hammerstein lends not-Dredd a little muscle, ripping crooked Chief Judge Griffin to shreds and incapacitating Hershey and Fergee while Rico gives his villainous speech at the end. Alas, poor not-Hammerstein meets his end in a manner most undignified, disabled by Rob Schneider while Hershey goes on to pummel Rico's sidekick, the equally villainous Ilsa Hayden, before Rico winds up getting himself lobbed off the Statue Of Liberty. Maybe he would have been better off getting Joe Pineapples on the payroll instead.
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Judge Dredd
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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.