10 Perfect Castings For Nathan Drake In Seth Gordon's Uncharted Adaptation

2. Nathan Fillion

You may be surprised that fan favorite Nathan Fillion isn't number one, but there is a good reason for it. There is no denying that Fillion embodies every little marvelous detail regarding Nathan Drake. Whether he is in Firefly, Serenity, Castle, or a random interview, Fillion IS Nathan Drake. Naughty Dog has even confirmed that they based the character of Drake off Malcolm from Firefly/Serenity. Throughout Firefly/Serenity, Nathan Fillion had the look, sound, and even dialogue that felt synonymous with Nathan Drake. He can go from mocking his enemy with a hilarious one-liner quip, right back to being dramatic all in the same scene. And on top of all that, there isn€™t a soul on the planet that share's Drake's facial features like Fillion. The only issue is that he's put on a little weight, and truthfully is a little unfit to portray Drake nowadays. If we had been casting this movie in the mid-2000s €“ which is impossible because Uncharted hadn't existed yet €“ then all the comparisons would be bulletproof. Unfortunately however, if Fillion is serious about playing Drake, he has to be aware that it's going to require a few sacrifices to reach the appropriate level of physical proportions. Even if he is serious however, Hollywood still may not go for him, opting for someone younger and more mainstream. It's unfortunate but that's reality.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.