10 Perfect Castings For Nathan Drake In Seth Gordon's Uncharted Adaptation

1. Bradley Cooper

If Hollywood wants to attach a bankable star to what will surely be a film that packs quite a budget, then Bradley Cooper is their star. He's not only a proven genius at comedy (The Hangover), but has also shown that he can be a fantastic actor in more dramatic roles (The Place Beyond The Pines). His role in American Hustle takes both of those qualities and puts them in a blender, which is essentially the ideal persona you want when casting Nathan Drake. Furthermore, Bradley Cooper is simply one of the hottest actors in Hollywood that doesn't have a franchise to call his own. The Hangover trilogy has passed, leaving him without a reoccurring role that can bring in heaps of money at the box office. It's something that you can rest assured Hollywood wants to fix, and will. Let's just hope it's for Uncharted, because realistically he has the charming looks, the humor, the charisma, and the star power to help make the franchise a box office success, alongside an adaptation that both the gamers and moviegoers can be proud of. Hollywood can go three different routes it seems; Bradley Cooper for star power, Nathan Fillion to appease the diehard fans, and James Roday for some fitting fresh young blood. Agree? Disagree? Comment below!

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.