10 Perfect Castings For Nathan Drake In Seth Gordon's Uncharted Adaptation

7. Jensen Ackles

It's okay if you're saying to yourself right now "who the heck is Jensen Ackles", but that's half the fun in casting a huge blockbuster like this. You don't need to cast a well-known actor, just someone with acting chops that looks the part, and can nail all the little ticks and nuisances that define the character. Those that are familiar with Jensen are probably aware of his highly praised role on Supernatural, and that infectious smile he boasts wherever he goes. He's also fantastic at pulling off facial expressions that are capable of showcasing different moods, from anger to comedy. Sound like anyone familiar? Yep, Nathan Drake sports an unforgettable smile and perfectlyexecuted facial expressions, often in the face of the ludicrous situations he finds himself in. It's a small detail, but is definitely going to be one of the most crucial to get right if Nathan Drake has even the slightest chance of being as loveable as he is in our PlayStation 3's on the silver screen.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.