10 Perfect Castings For Nathan Drake In Seth Gordon's Uncharted Adaptation

6. Sam Worthington

Up next we have Sam Worthington; a man who's probably more anxious than James Cameron to get the ball rolling on Avatar 2, considering his career has been in a bit of a slump since starring in the $1billion grossing money machine. Luckily, while James Cameron takes his sweet time, if Sam were so inclined he could probably get the role of Nathan Drake in the Uncharted adaptation. Outside of bearing a considerable amount of resemblance, Hollywood may want to go for an actor that has proven he can carry a big budget action film. The only drawback is that Sam has never really attached a more comedic edge to his smash-mouth action performances. With that said, he's a talented actor that could easily extend his rage if he ever wanted to. Make no mistake about it though, the ultimate reason Sam makes the cut is that compared to most other actors on this list, he bears a far greater resemblance to Nathan Drake, and is also the most gifted actor in terms of looks.

I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.