10 Perfect Psychological Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of

7. Coherence

A Dark Song
Ugly Duckling Films

James Ward Byrkit's surreal thriller Coherence centres around eight friends at a dinner party who find themselves experiencing otherworldy phenomena after a comet passes by Earth, and is a perfect example of how to ground a fantastical story into reality.

Despite dealing with doppelgängers, parallel dimensions, and the theory of quantum decoherence, the film plays out like a realistic drama (for the most part). Yes, there are discussions about wormholes and other scientific mumbo-jumbo, but there is rarely a moment where it becomes pure science fiction. This less-is-more approach works in the metaphysical story's favour, since it feels more personal.

As the cast throws around ideas surrounding their reality-warping predicament, Coherence becomes a minefield of incoherence. Has the ensemble's parallel selves entered their dimension? Have the main cast been thrust into a different universe? Has nothing happened, and the group is blowing everything out of proportion? Does anyone know more than they're letting on? Is each person really who they claim to be? 

Even though Coherence is thrilling, it can be exhausting since viewers will concoct dozens of theories throughout its run-time, yet still feel lost when it's all over.

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A Dark Song
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