10 Perfect Psychological Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of

3. Censor

A Dark Song

During the 1980s, the British Board of Film Classification declared war on horror, banning dozens of gratuitously violent movies. Thus, it was only a matter of time before a horror movie was adapted about this incident, suitably titled Censor. 

The story follows BBFC regulator Enid Baines, who's infamous among her co-workers for her strict and uncompromising demeanour. While taking notes on a slasher's grotesque content, Enid becomes convinced one of the actresses is her sister, Nina, who went missing when they were children. As Enid uncovers more clues, it isn't long before her life begins to unravel.

Based on the subject matter, it's not surprising to learn Censor has an avalanche of gore. However, it's the underlying mystery surrounding Nina that cuts deepest. Since Enid was traumatised by her sister's disappearance, her judgment is clouded by trauma and false memories, making it difficult to tell how much of what she sees or experiences is real.

Most importantly, Censor doesn't spell everything out, leaving many questions unanswered by the time the credits roll. As a result, there are plenty of key scenes and revelations that are left to interpretation, 

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A Dark Song
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