10 Perfect Sci-Fi Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of

5. Circle (2015)

Antiviral Movie

The biggest endorsement you can give this low-key horror is that it takes place in one location and is almost 100% talking, yet you won't be bored for a second. It's a tense mystery thriller that asks, "what would you do in this situation?" If your answer is anything other than cry and wet yourself, then you're one hell of a liar. 

Circle opens with 50 strangers awakening in a dimly lit room, forming two consecutive circles. They have barely any time to compose themselves before one of them starts getting killed every two minutes. From there, the group vote off who goes next until only one person remains.

Naturally, if you're movie takes place in one room, you'd better make sure it looks good. The production design on this flick certainly got that memo, as the oppressively dark and clinical set design creates a haunting aesthetic that suits the death-game style. 

Overall, the dark premise, solid dialogue, social satire, and shocking ending make this a simple sci-fi treat that proves you don't need a massive budget or grand story to be compelling.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!