10 Perfect Sci-Fi Horror Movies You've Never Heard Of
6. Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell (1968)

There's something so undeniably charming about the "flying saucer" early days of science fiction movies. Cheesy alien invasion stories from the 50s, 60s, and 70s are heaps of fun with their dated visual effects and melodrama. But, one you've almost certainly missed, especially if you don't watch international B-movies, is Goke, Body Snatcher From Hell.
This Japanese late 60s horror tells a sci-fi survival tale that pairs alien invasion with vampirism. It follows a selection of plane crash survivors who encounter an extraterrestrial threat that can take over a person's body. They attempt to survive as the alien possesses the plane's hijacker and turns him into a blood-sucking creature.
Goke is a charming movie with a lush visual style thanks to its great use of colour and gruesome visual effects. The latter is most notable in the antagonist, who looks like an alien wearing a human body suit in the most uncanny way.
It also throws caution to the wind with its melodrama, playing everything big and maintaining a consistently heightened energy. That's especially notable in the bombastic closing moments - which we won't spoil here.