10 Pettiest On Set Movie Feuds

2. Christian Bale Vs The Working Man

Terminator Salvation Ending
Warner Bros.

For a short while in 2009, Shane Hurlbut was the most famous director of photography in the business. While working alongside McG on the risible Terminator Salvation, Hurlbut found himself caught up in a frank exchange of ideas with tempestuous star Christian Bale.

Or, more accurately, he walked into Bale’s eyeline during the filming of a scene and was treated to an expletive-laden tirade that an enterprising crew member recorded, and subsequently leaked to the press.

Bale comes across terribly here - while his passion is commendable, he throws his weight around like a true bully, and would do well to save his energy for a film a bit better than this one. Hurlbut, meanwhile, remains calm, apologizing to the histrionic actor, who reportedly swiftly calmed down and apologized for his outburst, rightly embarrassed for acting like a child with a weird mid-Atlantic accent.

The incident became the most talked-about element of that Terminator movie, though the beef has done nothing to harm the careers of either man. Bale was right, though: he and Hurlbut were done professionally.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)