10 Most Pirated Films Of 2013

8. Now You See Me

Estimated Downloads: 7,000,000Worldwide Grosses: $351,723,989 Like World War Z, the magician-heist caper Now You See Me surprised at the box-office - in this case rather than having negative press pre-release, having very little press at all. Forgoing a big star for an intriguing ensemble featuring the likes of Woody Harrelson and Michael Caine, Now You See Me took a slightly-hokey premise and a smaller budget and made it work. Having a similarly impressive showing on torrent sites as it did in the multiplexes, it's clear that there's public interest in the movie. Being a relatively self-contained, relatively light thriller in a sea of franchise instalments and remakes is probably the main reason that the film did so well last Summer, but no doubt this will be misjudged by the powers that be that Now You See Me should be a long-running series (see: No. 9 on this list).

English guy, usually found knocking around Edinburgh. Likes films and that kind of thing.