10 Out Of Place Or Unexpected Lines Of Dialogue In Comic Book Movies

5. "Okay You C*nts... Let's See What You Can Do Now!" (Kick-Ass)

Hit Girl C WordThe dialogue *After killing Rasul - the leader of a criminal gang* Hit-Girl: "Okay you c*nts... Let's see what you can do now!" Why was it unexpected or out of place? Because it was an eleven year old little girl using the foulest language known to man! Simple really. Kick-Ass was pretty unforgiving with its language, so swearing in general was expected - but not necessarily the "c" word. And certainly not from the mouth of a child. It brought the last true expletive in to the mainstream in a movie that, inevitably, lots of children would end up watching. It caused huge controversy when it was first seen by the public and critics alike, with many authoritative figures from the world of movie critiquing citing it as unnecessary, shocking and offensive.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.