10 Out Of Place Or Unexpected Lines Of Dialogue In Comic Book Movies

2. "I Wouldn't Go In There For Twenty Minutes" (Iron Man 3)

Trevor SlatteryThe dialogue *Tony Stark enters the Mandarin's bedroom. He uncovers the bedsheets, only to find two women. He motions them to be silent before sneaking behind the bed when he hears the toilet flush. The Mandarin exits the bathroom* Trevor Slattery: "I wouldn't go in there for 20 minutes!" Why was it unexpected or out of place? This was unexpected because it came from the man who audiences thought was the intimidating and powerful Mandarin, but it was out of place because it wasn't the type of uncouth humour we expect from the relatively classy Iron Man franchise. It was the moment of the big reveal that the Mandarin was nothing more than a drunken, washed-up actor and the toilet humour involved was just cheap and unnecessary. The less of this kind of thing in future Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, the better.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.