10 Planned Movie Scenes Actors Refused To Film

1. Sam Swims With A Tiger Shark - Into The Blue

Lord Of The Rings Aragorn For Frodo
Sony Pictures Releasing

Into the Blue isn't a great movie, but one largely remembered for being an action-thriller centered around incredibly hot people - namely Jessica Alba and Paul Walker - swimming around while not wearing very much.

Yet during production Alba feared it could end up being remembered for an altogether more infamous and tragic reason, and so quite understandably put her foot down when the filmmakers attempted to expand the scope of her role, as she explained in a 2020 interview with Hot Ones.

During filming, the production had acquired a tiger shark in a cage, and while Alba and another actor were shooting a scene in the water, director John Stockwell wanted to have the tiger shark swim between them.

But Alba was understandably concerned about shooting with a random, potentially very dangerous animal, and balked at filming it herself when the safety risks could've easily been mitigated by shooting with a double or creating the shark in post.

Alba's refusal to get in the water with the tiger shark frustrated director Stockwell, who was losing available light to shoot the scene with each passing minute.

But Alba remained steadfast and ultimately returned to the shore on a boat following an argument with Stockwell, ensuring the shot was never captured.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.