10 Planned Movie Sequels That Also Need To Be Terminated

2. Avatar 2

Scheduled Release Date: N/A The greatest mystery behind Avatar is that, despite being the highest-grossing movie of all-time, it has made almost zero impact on popular culture at large. Nobody ever talks about it; nobody knows the names of any of the characters. The movie is about as faceless as, say, John Carter, and yet - somehow - it made more money than any other in history. As a result, there are very few people waiting with baited breath for the release of Avatar 2. James Cameron might have had a more excited audience had he opted to unveil the sequel just a few years after the original, but it's been seven years since the first chapter entered theatres and what? Avatar is forgotten; a strange cinematic anomaly that somehow managed to gross billions of dollars before the world collectively turned against it. Avatar 2 has been pushed back three or four times; it was recently announced that it would no longer hit cinemas in 2017, and has been delayed indefinitely. Maybe it's time for Cameron to just call it quits? Nobody cares what Jake Sully (that's the name of the main character, by the way) is up to. Well, except Sam Worthington, who needs the work. Would it be a shame if this got cancelled? Or would it be a huge relief for everyone?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.