10 Planned Movie Sequels That Also Need To Be Terminated

10. Toy Story 4

Scheduled Release Date: June 15, 2018 Toy Story 4, which is set for release in 2018, feels like Pixar pushing their luck. After what one might consider to be a perfect ending to the series in Toy Story 3, to go back to the franchise again... well, it just seems wrong, doesn't it? Even if the story is rumoured to be about Woody's search for his long lost love Bo Peep, aren't we done with these films? Toy Story 3 was arguably the best entry in the series - not to mention one of the finest animated movies of all-time. Isn't the risk of spoiling a perfect trilogy high enough for the team over at Pixar to say: "Hey, you know what? We arguably made the best trilogy in movie history over here. Do we really need to go down the Toy Story 4 route?" The answer lies in the fact that Toy Story 4 would probably make over a billion dollars. So, you know, of course they're going to make it. All things considered, it probably has a shot at being the best film out of all the movies discussed on this list, but still... you wouldn't go back and paint something else on the Mona Lisa after all these years, would you? No.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.