9 Pointless Characters From The Dark Knight Saga

1. Jen

Unless you're Juno Temple, you most likely can't remember a single thing her character said in The Dark Knight Rises. You'd probably even be just as hard-pressed to remember anything important that she did besides just being in the movie, if you even remembered that she was. While many have speculated that her character, Jen, is a nod to Catwoman's comic ally Holly Robinson, that conjecture is irrelevant in that -- even if she was intended as such -- there's nothing rewarding about her existence to even be a good Easter egg. The character ends up being so pointless that it's astounding that the few scenes in which she's in manage to paradoxically be both a boring waste of time and yet so utterly unmemorable that one forgets they even happened the moment they're over. Compared to other pointless characters, like the homeless man or the cops, who at least left a mark through their sheer ridiculousness, Jen fails to offer anything positive to enjoy or negative to laugh at. Of all the characters across Nolan's otherwise very strong trilogy, Jen is the one who most embodies what's wrong with needless character excess.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!