10 Popular Movie Fan Theories Debunked By The Creators

1. Jason Was A Tethered All Along - Us

Us Jason

The Theory

Jordan Peele's Us is one of the most mysterious and talked-about films of the year, with one particularly enticing theory suggesting that the Wilson family's young boy Jason (Evan Alex) is actually his Tethered equivalent, Pluto, throughout the entire movie.

The theory cites the film's ambiguous final scene, where "Jason"'s expression towards "Adelaide" (Lupita Nyong'o) seems to imply he's aware that she's actually her Tethered other.

Fans of the theory argue that Jason/Pluto may well have known this all along, which would seemingly confirm that Pluto also carried out a swap with Jason at the start of the film.

How It Was Debunked

On the movie's Blu-ray commentary, Peele confirmed that Jason was indeed Jason throughout the film.

Peele said, "I always thought of the family in terms of a certain archetypal foursome. Adelaide is the leader, the captain. Zora is the warrior. She acts before she thinks and she kicks ass. Gabe is the fool, even though on the surface he looks like he might be the leader or the warrior. And Jason is the wizard. He’s the magician."

Peele adds, "I have this kinda concept of Jason that he can sorta see through the veil. You can see these moments where he’s observing his mother and he’s meant to be a little step ahead of us, the most clever of us that’s sorta figuring out there’s something more to Adelaide’s story than we see."

There's not much room for ambiguity in that statement, confirming that the only switcharoo worth investing any mental energy in Adelaide/Red's.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.