10 Post-Apocalyptic Films That Prove Mankind Is Doomed
7. The Noah (1975)
Not to be confused with the sci-fi bat-guano crazy Crowe film. This story follows Noah, the sole survivor on Earth after a nuclear holocaust. To cope with his immense solitude, he creates a series of imaginary friends who in turn, desire more companions until Noah has filled the island with his fictional population. Thus begins his descent into madness; his fractured personality creating all sorts of weird scenarios from history; wars to lectures to dinner parties. Its grim ending presents Noah staring out at the ocean, silent with the unbearable weight of his loneliness bearing down upon him. While not as entertaining as other survivor films (say Hanks in Cast Away), its incredibly ambitious in illustrating how someone might deal with the isolation and loneliness of being the last man on Earth. Depicting the strange games you might cook up for yourself to keep the mind occupied. Unfortunately, this film was never put on wide release but with a little trawling, you should be able to watch the whole of this rough little gem on Youtube.