10 Post-Credits Comic Book Film Scenes That Changed Everything

Proving that getting up when the credits roll is a rookie mistake.

There is now a tradition of mid/post-credit scenes during Marvel films, and anyone who prematurely walks out of the cinema is given a condescending gaze of disbelief. Some of these scenes simply allow fans to flail at small links to the comics, while others have wide ranging implications on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Marvel may now be associated with the post credit scene, but it has been extensively used before them; they simply altered it to introduce new characters and twists, meaning that rather than giving us a cheap laugh (like at the end of Ferris Bueller€™s Day Off), we were given integral information to the development of the characters and the plot. It is a risky gamble to introduce characters in this way, but for Marvel it has paid off, giving them a uniqueness that is unrivalled in their genre. They stand out for their ability to throw in slight hints and set the internet alight with incredibly detailed possible theories as to who the character is, what role they will play, and what this means for the characters involved. Some of the Marvel films seem to squander this opportunity; The Amazing Spider-Man 2 had a teaser for Days of Future Past, a film unrelated to its own universe or characters. Alternatively, Iron Man 3 opted for humour, with Bruce Banner being revealed as the receiver of Stark€™s narration. While these were titillating at the time, they have fallen away from memory; these ones shocked everyone into a new state of excitement for what was to come. While these were titillating at the time, they are now nothing more than glorified adverts; in comparison there have been a multitude of Marvel post-credit scenes that have changed everything we know of that universe.

A 21 year old History graduate looking for someone to listen to his ramblings. Lover of comic books, movies and all other superhero related things. Published in The Independent, always looking for interesting things to write about...Follow me on Twitter at @samclements1993, and check out my blog: http://samuelclements.wordpress.com/