10 Post-Credits Horror Movie Scenes That Changed Everything

1. Sadako Vs Kayako

Monster movie mash-ups have been a staple of low budget sci-fi and horror films since the 1950s with Godzilla Vs The Whatever and Dracula Vs Frankenstein dragging the kids into movie theatres in droves. For this entry we take a look at the J-Horror version, specifically the brave yet not wholly despicable Sadako Vs Kayako.

In the blue corner it's Sadako, the memorable villain from the Ring series, and girl with deadly psychic powers. After being fatally thrown down a well, Sadako returns from her watery grave and spreads a deadly virus through a videotape, killing all who watch it.

In the red corner, it's Kayako, the equally creepy and rather more vocal monster from The Grudge series, murdered by her jealous husband and cursed to vocal-fry you to death if you come within spitting distance of her house.

The film climaxes with the protagonists attempting to alleviate both curses at once by pitting the monsters against each other (the clue is in the films title), resulting in both villains falling down Sadako's well.

Something emerges from the opening as Toshio (creepy kid from The Grudge) starts meowing, cue credits. But wait! The post credits sequence reveals a new monster, an amalgamation of the two, Sadakaya, super villain, now with only one white dress to have dry cleaned! The fate of Yuri and the rest remains unclear but rest assured, this will go on and on and on...

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A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...