10 Post-Credits Movie Scenes EVERYONE Saw Coming

8. Skynet Lives - Terminator Genisys

Black Adam Superman

The laziest, most obvious sorts of post-credits scenes are those which set up a sequel by simply revealing that the villain we all thought was dead is in fact still alive.

It's a trick as old as time - or, at least, cinema - itself, and one of the most howlingly predictable from any major movie franchise is surely Terminator Genisys' lackluster last-minute resurrection gambit.

The film seemingly ends with Sarah Connor (Emilia Clarke), Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney), and Pops (Arnold Schwarzenegger) destroying the villainous T-3000 John Connor (Jason Clarke) and obliterating the mainframe of Genisys - Cyberdyne's new operating system which is basically a rebooted version of Skynet.

But after the heroes ride off into the sunset, a mid-credits scene cuts back to the rubble of the Cyberdyne facility, where Genisys' system core has survived in an underground chamber, and the holographic projection of Skynet (Matt Smith) fleetingly flashes to life.

Given that the filmmakers behind Terminator Genisys made it abundantly clear that the movie was the first entry into a planned new trilogy, fans were acutely aware that it wouldn't really be the end of anything.

Because the Terminator franchise has had the heroes playing Whac-A-Mole with Skynet since its inception, revealing that Skynet/Genisys was still very much alive was literally the least-surprising creative choice possible.

Genisys' underwhelming box office performance suggested that general audiences and hardcore fans alike were simply exhausted with the Terminator IP at this point, resulting in two direct sequels being scrapped and replaced with another soft reboot, Terminator: Dark Fate, which flopped even harder.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.