10 Post-Credits Movie Scenes EVERYONE Saw Coming

9. Adrian Toomes' Cameo - Morbius

Black Adam Superman
Sony Pictures Releasing

Here's the first of two post-credits scenes on this list effectively spoiled by a trailer.

Morbius' very first trailer, released back in the halcyon days of January 2020, immediately confirmed that Michael Keaton would appear in the film as Adrian Toomes aka Vulture - the very same villain he played in Spider-Man: Homecoming.

The notion of the MCU Spider-Man movies intermingling with full-on Sony-produced Spider-Man-adjacent properties like Morbius and Venom was certainly exciting, though as it turns out, Keaton's role in the former was significantly re-tooled during post-production.

Following the release of Spider-Man: No Way Home, his part had to be re-shot to maintain continuity with the MCU.

And though Morbius' marketing continued to play-up Toomes' presence in the film proper, anyone watching it for the first time surely figured out for themselves that Toomes' absence was leading to a credits-based cameo.

And that's exactly what fans got - in the mid-credits scene, Toomes finds himself transported to Morbius' universe following the events of No Way Home, spawning in a prison cell where, due to there being no record of him in this universe, he's soon enough released.

The post-credits scene, then, sees Toomes now inexplicably sporting his Vulture attire and approaching Morbius (Jared Leto), before suggesting they team up to take down Spider-Man.

Even ignoring how little sense any of this makes within the context of Morbius' universe, the fact that Vulture made no appearance in the bulk of the movie ensured that even the most casual-minded viewer knew what was coming during the credits.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.