10 Post-Credits Movie Scenes That Change Everything
4. It's Still Alive - Cloverfield

84 minutes of 9/11 imagery, inventive creature design and unrelenting terror, Cloverfield was a landmark in both the found-footage and giant-monster-defacing-monuments genres that is only strengthened by the lack of follow-up - it's creature is much more enticing with the outcome of its rampage unexplained. But that doesn't mean Matt Reeves didn't sneak in some hints for a potential sequel. After Michael Giacchino's specially composed Roar plays out over the credits, there's an unintelligible line of dialogue that, when played backwards, is revealed to be a man saying "it's still alive".
OK, so this one's pretty obscure, requiring audio manipulation, but it's still pretty a damn game-changing post-credit moment; even though ol' Clovie was nuked he's still out there causing monumental damage. Cloverfield was far more than just a movie, released alongside one of the most expansive viral campaigns of all time. Following slight clues in the handful of trailers, fans could learn about magic Japanese soft-drink Slusho, oil conglomerate Tagruato (who appear to have awoken the monster from its deep sea slumber) and eco-activists TIDO Wave.
It was assumed pre-release all this was building towards the film's release, but the "still alive" tease suggesting the film's home-video was just part of the story. Sadly nothing more has become of this, with the status of the creature after its arrival at site U.S. 477 (known as Central Park pre-attack) still unknown.