10 Post-Infinity War MCU Phase 4 Predictions

3. No Avengers Will Be Recast

Avengers Infinity War Tony Stark
Marvel Studios

With the frontline Avengers cast members, namely Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans, potentially starting to age out of their roles or decide not to renew their contracts, it presents Kevin Feige with an intriguing dilemma moving forward: to recast or not to recast?

After all, these heroes are so damn iconic that there's clear value in keeping them around, but at the same time, the MCU's stable of heroes has grown significantly over the last few years, to the point that employing new actors to play these characters just feels...wrong.

A few years ago it seemed like a foregone conclusion that this would happen, and Feige himself even implied that recasting was a mere inevitability. However, in recent times Feige has commented that rotating in new heroes also seems to be the tidier solution.

Given the popularity of, say, the Guardians of the Galaxy and other newer heroes, there's clearly a lot of muscle to carry the MCU for another 5-10 years at least, and it's just hard to imagine any A-list actor convincingly filling Downey Jr. or Evans' shoes, especially with such a move seeming so damn unnecessary these days.

They could throw in some alternate timeline nonsense to explain their new appearances, sure, but let's be honest: it's probably best not to go there.

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MCU Phase 4
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.