10 Post-Infinity War MCU Phase 4 Predictions

4. Deadpool & Silver Surfer Are The Only Fox Characters To Appear

Deadpool 2 Apartment

With Disney's expected acquisition of 21st Century Fox still pending, nothing is set in stone about the likes of the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) crossing over to the MCU. Moreover, Kevin Feige has stated that even if the deal indeed goes through soon, we're still a few years away from these properties joining the party.

While it's possible the core Fantastic Four and X-Men will sit out Phase 4 entirely and join the fray in Phase 5 in the early-to-mid-2020s, it's much easier to believe we'll see some sighting of Deadpool before then.

Though this raises immediate questions about putting an R-rated character in a PG-13 movie, one can imagine him having a cameo in an MCU movie, perhaps even in a post-credits scene, which makes light of his inability to curse and be ultra-violent.

Beyond that, his future films could end up under the long-defunct Marvel Knights banner, which was previously used for darker movies such as Punisher: War Zone and Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance.

That way, MCU characters could still appear in a Deadpool movie without the audience-alienating risk of making an R-rated movie that's part of the main MCU continuity.

The other majorly possible Fox acquisition for Phase 4 would be the Silver Surfer, because he's got an awesome design, was perhaps the single well-received element of 2007's Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, and can be introduced totally divorced from the F4 themselves.

It's easy to see how Silver Surfer could fit the tone of the MCU and become another unique addition to the line-up. Bank on both of them, but beyond that, we're probably a long ways away from the F4 or mainline X-Men. Anything before 2022 is incredibly optimistic.

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MCU Phase 4
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.