10 Potentially Awesome Movies Ruined By The PG-13 Curse

6. The Expendables 3

The inclusion of The Expendables 3 on this list is as inevitable as the passing of the seasons - it's without a doubt one of the most egregious examples in recent times of the dreaded curse of PG-13, toning down what should have been an epic action extravaganza to a disappointingly tepid onslaught of bloodless, CGI-heavy cartoon violence. While it's fair to say that the first two movies in the Expendables series were hardly masterpieces of the genre, one thing they did get right is the level of brutality and blood in the action scenes. Okay, the bad CGI blood splatters weren't exactly the most convincing we've ever seen, but at least the bad guys did actually bleed when they were shot. That guilty pleasure was stripped from the latest installment along with the obligatory bad language - the result, as anyone who's seen it will agree - is a shambling mess best forgotten.
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