10 Potentially Awesome Movies Ruined By The PG-13 Curse

4. Alien Vs. Predator

When the Aliens Versus Predator comic book was first released in 1989, fans around the world began to salivate at the prospect of two of the most iconic extraterrestrials in movie history coming face to face on the big screen. By the time the closest thing to it, Alien Vs. Predator, finally hit cinemas in 2004, that excitement had rapidly transformed into inconsolable disappointment. It's tempting to lay all the blame at the feet of director Paul W. S. Anderson - after all, as time would tell he's done a pretty effective job of transforming the potentially excellent movie adaptations of Capcom's seminal survival horror video game series into a string of increasingly forgettable - and utterly lamentable - bad movies. Anderson certainly deserves some of the blame for Alien Vs. Predator, but once again much of the problem lies in the PG-13 certificate. Merging two franchises renowned for their violence, gore and imaginatively bloody deaths into a kid-friendly action flick is never going to work, and as we saw ten years ago, it didn't.
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