10 Potentially Awesome Movies Ruined By The PG-13 Curse

3. The Chronicles Of Riddick

2004 was a bad year for the curse of PG-13 - after the disappointment of Anderson's Alien Vs. Predator movie we were again completely let down by the follow up to the hugely popular Pitch Black, The Chronicles of Riddick. The only film in the Riddick franchise to be granted a PG-13 rating by the MPAA, its unnecessarily convoluted plot isn't the only problem it suffers from. It's highly likely that director David Twohy - the man responsible for Pitch Black - become somewhat overwhelmed by the huge increase in budget the studios handed him for Chronicles of Riddick. Certainly, the expansive yet often uncoloured canvas and attempts at narrative complexity suggests a filmmaker out of his depth. But it's more likely that this extra cash came with a price, and that price was to tone things down to ensure a PG-13 rating. Sadly, the result for fans was a movie which seemed to lack everything which had made the character so cool in Pitch Black. Returning to the R rating for 2013's Riddick at least gave us back the bloody violence, even if the script left a lot to be desired.
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