10 Potentially Awesome Sci-Fi Movies Coming In 2018

5. Annihilation

Ready Player One
Paramount Pictures

What’s It About

The awesomely named Jeff VanderMeer has crafted the literary world’s latest movie-worthy franchise in his Southern Reach Trilogy. This trio of books looks at the mysterious Area X, a place in the US that is uncharted and all kinds of deadly. Annihilation, the first in this series, sees a team of scientist-types entering this terrain and coming up against a malevolent fungus. There’s a sentence you don’t see often.

Who’s In It?

Author-cum-scriptwriter-cum-director Alex Garland is building on the success of his debut, Ex Machina, assembling a cast that includes Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Machina mucker, Oscar Isaac.

Why It’ll Be Awesome?

VanderMeer’s novel is a kind of Hunger Games meets The Ruins crossover and with Garland at the helm you can guarantee that characterisation will be at the forefront of any sci-fi action. Garland has made it clear he isn’t looking towards potential follow up, so expect this to be a focused, tense affair without any sequel set up.


Shaun is a former contributor for a number of Future Publishing titles and more recently worked as a staffer at Imagine Publishing. He can now be found banking in the daytime and writing a variety of articles for What Culture, namely around his favourite topics of film, retro gaming, music, TV and, when he's feeling clever, literature.