10 Potentially Great Marvel Movie Villains (That Were Grossly Underused)
2. Ghost

Ghost was, all things considered, a great villain. She was threatening, well-acted, sympathetic while still being vicious and determined, and her backstory promised more interesting plot in future MCU instalments. All that said, having to share screen-time with multiple other sets of antagonists, from greedy criminal randos to the well-meaning but dogged FBI, and having your interesting backstory revealed all in one drawn out flashback, does a good villain no favours.
The implication of her networks in S.H.I.E.L.D., and her loving familial relationship with Bill Foster, would make for an amazing and sympathetic anti-hero in her own spin-off, and an even better villain in the same film, given more screen time.
Hannah John-Kamen gives a fantastic performance as a soulful-eyed yet disconcerting former agent with the training to take down most skilled fighters, and the constant physical pain of her everyday paired with the tragedy of her past and her clear love for a father figure and the conscience he instilled in her giving her the depth seen in villains like Loki and Killmonger. Her powers, as well, are unique and visually stunning to see onscreen, and seeing more of her in future Marvel properties wouldn't be unwelcome.