10 Powers You Forgot MCU Characters Had

9. Scarlet Witch - Forcefield Generation

Thor Hand Shapeshifting

To quote Maria Hill, Wanda Maximoff is 'weird'.

Her MCU character origin saw her develop incredible Psionic powers after being experimented on by Baron Strucker using Loki's Scepter but Wanda's full skill set is never really explained beyond Maria Hill debriefing the Avengers after their first encounter with the twins.

As such, we have to rely on what we have seen in the MCU to really know what Wanda can do and we've seen quite a lot of mind-affecting, energy manipulation and a fair bit of levitation but there's one power she has that would be so very useful if only she could remember that she has it

Displayed briefly in Age of Ultron, Wanda can generate protective forcefields around herself and others so you have to think, almost immediately, that surely Quicksilver might not have bitten the dust quite so soon if she had utilised this forgotten ability to protect her brother.

Perhaps the concern remains that Wanda could become massively overpowered by comparison to her fellow Avengers but with Captain Marvel way up there on the power rankings, Wanda could probably revisit this power without too much imbalance.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.