10 Powers You Forgot MCU Characters Had

8. Loki - Illusion Manipulation

Thor Hand Shapeshifting
Marvel Studios

It is very unlikely that Loki's shapeshifting/illusion skills would have deceived Thanos himself but it is utterly baffling that one of the universe's most wanted spends so much time walking around looking like himself.

On Earth, for example, virtually everyone will recognise him as that terrifying guy who tried to take over the world. They would now doubt alert the Avengers and he'll get his backside handed to him once again - when you can make yourself look like anyone else, why aren't you!?

Not only can Loki shapeshift, as evidenced in Thor: The Dark World amongst other entries, but he can create illusions so convincing that even primary villains in the MCU have bought into his deception! He creates the illusion of severing Thor's hand so well that Malekith trusts the most duplicitous character in the series!

Why we haven't seen Loki's powers of illusion since this point is baffling. Instead, we had an improvised reference to this ability in Ragnarok and that's your lot. Hopefully this power is revisited in the upcoming Loki series but it remains to be seen.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.