10 Predictions For The X-Men Film Universe

9. And A Return To The Present

That said, not everything is sorted. In that same breath Kinberg talked about his plans for X-Men: Apocalypse, the next film in the series which will apparently be set in the eighties and is set to "be the completion of what we began in First Class." So that's another loop closed, if you'll excuse the expression from another film that had some confusing and shaky ideas about time travel and solving continuity issues. So that'll not only probably mean the end of that trilogy but, presumably, the off-loading of Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy in the main roles. A brave concept, but probably a necessary one. Days Of Future Past ended with a soft reset - the next step is a proper, full reboot that takes audiences away from the period settings of the First Class trilogy, and forward into a brave new world. Not the dystopian future of Days Of Future Past, mind, nor necessarily the present-day setting of the original trilogy of X-Men films. Because, y'know, the first one was made all the way back in 2000, so that's not really the present any more. And thanks to the time travel shenanigans and the clean slate Fox have been left with, a return to a very different present is not only viable but also makes sense; instead of dragging along the angsty plotting of the older films or the historical silliness of the new ones, they can finally enter the arena of the modern superhero film, with all the quipping and fun references that go along with it. Look for the follow up to Apocalypse to be a completely new prospect, set in the modern day, and charged with setting up the X-Men cinematic universe anew.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/