10 (Probably Failed) Attempts At A Measured Response To The Wolverine

1. Hugh Jackman Is The Wolverine. 'Nuff Said.

the-wolverine Let's all take a moment and give it up for Hugh Jackman. The guy knocks it out of the park again. Does Jackman still love playing Logan, or is he just a classy entertainer who respects the fans enough to put on a good show? I lean towards the former idea. He's at the point in his career where he didn't have to commit to the physical torture he endured for this movie to look like Plato's ideal form of a brick s**t-house. He's still giving it all - and it shows on the screen. Like Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark and Ron Perlman's Hellboy, it's impossible to imagine anyone else in the role. There's a lot of good work going on both behind and in front of the camera with this one... but it's Hugh Jackman that's making the whole thing work. The Wolverine doesn't fully live up to what he can do with the part, but it's another solid step in getting this franchise back on track. Agree? Disagree? Feel like the movie could do with a few more ninjas? Let us know below. Either Way, Jeremy Wickett will return in €œ10 (Probably Failed) Attempts At A Measured Response To Elysium€.

Jeremy Wickett was raised from an early age in one of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma's classier opium dens. A graduate of The University of Oklahoma, he now resides in Phoenix, Arizona - where the desert heat is oppressive enough to make him hallucinate that he's a character in Star Wars. And of course he can speak Bocce - it's like a second language to him. His so-called musings can be found here: http://geekemporium.blogspot.com/