10 Problems Fans STILL Won't Admit About The DCEU

8. There's Still An Identity Crisis

Shazam movie
Warner Bros.

Even after it's been "fixed" the DCEU has a tonal problem. It started grim with Man Of Steel, got darker with Batman v Superman, lost its mind in some sort of weird screamcore whirlwind for Suicide Squad and then everything got worse when Wonder Woman showed the studio how it should be doing things.

Patty Jenkins came in and went with a lighter tone (more akin to an MCU movie) - though some of the old issues still sneaked into the final act - and she effectively, accidentally ruined Justice League.

That film's issues were largely down to an attempt to "fix" Zack Snyder's tone by bringing in Joss Whedon, but instead of giving him a clean slate they handed him lots of broken pieces and told him he had to build something new and different. Where he managed to bolt good things on, they were still attached to things he hadn't really been able to do much with.

Even Aquaman has several different personalities all at once and news that there's to be a horror-focused spin-off focused on the Trench does nothing to allay fears that there's still an identity crisis ongoing, particularly when Shazam's lighter tone is so widely praised. And then comes the news that Ezra Miller wants to make his vesion of Flashpoint - which he is now writing with Grant Morrison - darker than the vision the directors have. When will they learn?!

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