10 Problems Nobody Wants To Admit About The Original Star Wars Trilogy

5. The Time Frame In The Empire Strikes Back Makes No Sense

Yoda Dagobah

There's something slightly "off" about the time frame inherent to what is arguably the best Star Wars movie ever made - something that a lot of fans seem to have ignored over the years, despite the fact that it leaves the picture feeling somewhat messy. Which is to say, The Empire Strikes Back has a really weird time frame, in which events that are edited to appear as though they are happening - generally speaking - at around the same time surely couldn't have been, given the specifics.

And thinking about it all just hurts. So what, exactly, is this critique referring to? Well, it's the time lapse that occurs when Han, Leia and the others are separated from Luke Skywalker. Han and Leia's adventures appear to take place over the course of a few days, whereas Luke's training with Yoda looks to span weeks - and that's being generous, given that learning to become a Jedi would surely take even longer?

And yet the movie renders these events alongside each other, creating a weird time frame that - when scrutinised - doesn't really hold up.

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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.