10 Problems With Harry Potter Movies That Nobody Wants To Admit
7. So, They Can Grow Back Bones, But They Can't Fix Harry's Eyesight
In the world of Harry Potter, it's made clear across the span of the series that the majority of injuries sustained by witches and wizards can be fixed with a little magic. For example, in The Chamber of Secrets, young Harry ends up getting his arm smashed and broken during a particularly turbulent Quidditch match, which later results in his bone disappearing entirely when a fix spell goes wrong. That isn't of much consequence though, as it handily leads to Harry's bones being "re-grown" into his arm via some magical medicine, of course. And yet if it's possible to grow back an entire bone, why aren't wizards able to fix something as trivial as Harry's vision? Does the poor lad need to wear glasses for the entirely of the series? Isn't it possible to mend his eyes with a simple spell? Surely so! And that goes for any other injuries that are just skirted over - cuts and bruises included.
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.