10 Properties That Could Be Netflix's Answer To Star Wars

7. Scott Pilgrim vs The World

The Dark Tower CGI Image, unreleased movie
Oni Press

The Scott Pilgrim Vs The World graphic novel series is an incredibly colourful and creative piece of work that generates an entirely worthwhile experience. Its premise is simple, but out of the ordinary, with the titular lead Scott having to fight off the seven evil exes of Romona Flowers so he can date her. It is silly, goofy and utterly filled with character.

The Edgar Wright adaptation of this film did a fantastic job bringing this spirit to life, and you would be hard-pressed to find a film adaptation that feels as close to reading a graphic novel or watching a video game than this.

Despite its brilliant execution, the film was not a huge commercial success, and this is something that Netflix could attempt to rectify, as with the right advertising campaign this title could be far more successful.

A new adaptation of the source material could give the creators an excellent opportunity for inventive filmmaking, and this would reflect what could become a top-rated product. As with almost every other entry, it would undoubtedly be a challenge, but one that could pay-off.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!