10 Questions You Should Be Asking About Batman Vs Superman

1. Will It Be Any Good?

Having Batman and Superman appearing in the same movie for the first-time ever has already made Dawn of Justice one of the most highly-anticipated blockbusters in history, and at this point it seems like a virtual guarantee that the movie will gross over a billion dollars at the box office. But what happens if the movie isn't particularly good? Man of Steel greatly divided opinion amongst both critics and audiences, and while he knows how to put together an action sequence the rest of Zack Snyder's filmography isn't universally adored by any means. His debut feature, the Dawn of the Dead remake, is currently his highest-rated movie on Rotten Tomatoes with a 75% rating but his other five directorial efforts range from 23% (Sucker Punch) to 64% (Watchmen), while none of his movies have scored higher than 58 on Metacritic. As a director Snyder has so far made good movies, average ones and bad ones, but has yet to create something great. Perhaps all of this will change with Batman v Superman, or perhaps not. If this all sounds a little too negative, then remember that the future of the entire DC Cinematic Universe rests on the success of Dawn of Justice. While the movie will no doubt be a huge commercial success, if the project is burdened with poor reviews then it could have a huge impact on the rest of the upcoming slate, which could be tainted by association. While fans have remained skeptical of the production and its swelling cast of characters, the presence of a talented cast, strong writer and visually strong director could very well see Batman v Superman reach the upper echelon of comic book movies. One thing is for sure, everyone involved will be hoping the inevitable comparisons will namedrop Christopher Nolan more than Joel Schumacher.
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