10 Questions You Probably Have About Guardians Of The Galaxy

2. Who Are These Nova Guys?

Marvel ComicsMarvel ComicsRepresented by Glenn Close, John C Reilly and Peter Serafinowicz as space cops who've detained the errant Guardians Of The Galaxy ("what a bunch of a-holes") in the film's trailers, the Nova Corps are actually less of a comic relief and more of a big deal in the Marvel Universe. You know Green Lantern? Yeah, they're pretty much just Green Lanterns, except in Marvel Comics instead of DC. And less Ryan Reynolds. If you have no idea what we're talking about here, then don't worry, because we're about to explain it. As best we can, anyway. The Nova Corps are somewhere between an intergalactic police force and military, founded hundreds of years ago and currently consisting of around 500 active members. They have a load of neat superpowers beneath those goofy bucket helmets, including superhuman strength, faster-than-light space flight, a healing factor, and energy powers. All of this comes courtesy of the mysterious Nova Force, generated and controlled by the Living Computers of Xandar. Which probably isn't necessary to know, we just like the phrase "Living Computers of Xandar". What is necessary to know, probably, is how these lot fit into the Guardians Of The Galaxy. For the most part they've been pals, with the Nova who polices our solar system frequently helping out in the sort of cosmic threats the Guardians try to preempt. In the film the two group are more at odds, because the movie Guardians are slightly more outside the law than their comic book counterparts. Still, now you know how much power these Nova lot have, and can maybe look forward to Glenn Close sticking a shiny gold hat on her bonce and shooting gravity rays at Groot...maybe.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/