10 Quick Ways To Fix The DCEU

7. Tone-Down The Effects

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Warner Bros.

Let's be entirely honest here, the DCEU is almost synonymous with overusing computer-generated effects. From the pitifully bad effects of Justice League, to the over-the-top mental contravention that was Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice; the DCEU has a serious problem with over-indulging on unnecessary special effects.

Not only does over-using effects drain the budget and make the world look more like an animated movie than a live-action one, but it also makes the effects all the worse when they are actually necessary to realistically pull-off a scene.

That doesn’t mean that the DCEU needs to stop using effects entirely, Aquaman has some of the greatest effects the genre has ever had, and, the effects were entirely necessary to tell the story they wanted to tell. However, when you start indulging on special effects in order to distract the audience from lack-luster character development and a sub-par story, than it becomes a problem.

If you have to spend an estimated $10 million to remove a moustache in post, then something clearly has gone wrong.

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Mile Millerson has contributed 1 post since joining in October 2019.