10 Quick Ways To Fix The DCEU
6. Focus On "Lesser Heroes"
One huge problem with the DCEU is that it doesn’t focus on the lesser-heroes or stories. Of the seven movies the DCEU has released, only one film stars characters that are not considered vital to the DC brand. In that regard, the MCU excel over the DCEU. They have characters like Falcon, Groot, Bucky or even characters like Scarlet Witch or Dr Strange; characters that otherwise would be relegated to the back-burner. However, instead, these characters can live a life of their own without relying on one of the the big-names to support them.
The MCU has some characters that, before they appeared in the MCU, where known only by the most die-hard of comic fans. If the DCEU was ever retconned or rebooted, it should start with smaller heroes first.
Before we see that epic Superman final confrontation, we want to see, for example, a little story with Green Arrow and Black Canary. Not only would starting-out with small characters help widen the universe, it would also give us a reason to care when the big-names start showing up.
Remember, before The Avengers, the MCU was simply several movies with self-contained stories that could stand on their own. If you have a good foundation, then you can have a good anything.