10 Quotes That Define Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters

4. "There Will Never Be A Wiser King Than You" (Thor)

This quote epitomises Thor's development and maturity into a wiser warrior - and a wiser person - who, one day, will be ready to sit on the throne of Asgard. Early in the first Thor movie, Thor was a naive, arrogant and somewhat petulant guy, defying his father's wishes and neglecting to consider the potential consequences of his actions (invading Jotunheim) and, as a result, he brought conflict to his home realm of Asgard and was cast out and relieved of his powers by Odin. However, he went on to prove himself as worthy of wielding Mjolnir and potentially becoming king of Asgard when he stood up to Loki (or the Destroyer Armour being controlled by Loki, to be more specific) and his father granted him a return to Asgard. Having learned his lesson, he came out with this quote later in the same film, showing his development and giving everyone a clear picture regarding the even more impressive hero he would go on to become in the Avengers movie and in the Thor sequel. Full DialogueOdin: "You'll be a wise king." Thor: "There will never be a wiser king than you. Or a better father. I have much to learn. I know that now. One day, perhaps, I will make you proud." Odin: "You've already made me proud."

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.