10 Rare Movie Actor Contract Clauses You Never Knew

7. George Clooney Had A Custom-Built Retreat (Gravity)

Fast Five Dwayne Johnson Vin Diesel
Warner Bros.

It's nothing new that A-list actors have "riders" included in their contracts - that is, clauses which guarantee the studio will provide a set list of things for the actor's comfort.

This could be a cold bottle of champagne every evening, an endless supply of lobster, a gym for the actor to work out in, or in the case of George Clooney, elaborate, purpose-built accommodation.

An actor of Clooney's rep obviously isn't going to ever slog it out in just a tiny trailer for the duration of a movie shoot, and so while filming Alfonso Cuaron's sci-fi masterpiece Gravity, his contract included a clause that an extensive retreat be built for his sole use.

Though Clooney was given a trailer while shooting in Surrey's Shepperton Studios, he stipulated that it be attached to a private beach hut, including a hot tub, decking area, basketball court, and landscape garden.

Clooney's request reportedly cost over $100,000, but considering the film's $130 million budget, it was really just a drop in the ocean.

And given that Gravity went on to gross over $700 million worldwide, keeping Clooney happy was certainly well worth the investment.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.